Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Assignment # 1

Part A: Start a blog for this course.
'Part A' accomplished!
Welcome to the home for my study of Utopian thought for the spring semester of 2008 at the Kansas City Art Institute.
The Goals of this study are:
- To develop a basic knowledge of the history of Utopian thought
and the images and structures that express and pursue those thoughts.

- To distinguish and articulate the differences and similarities of the
different Utopian proposals and projects.

- To define the relationship of these thoughts to my work and to take
a stance on the idea of Utopia.

Here are the books used to structure this course.

The Utopian Reader
by Gregory Claeys and Lyman Sargent
NYU Press, 1991
ISBN 0814715710

Utopia: An illustrated History
by Ian Tod and Michael Wheeler
Crown Press, 1978
ISBN 0856130494

1 comment:

Kurt McRobert said...

Herland is a pretty good book about an all female utopia. You might wanna check it out, it's fairly short.